I can’t login into Sakai? what should I do? This Sakai UG Login Guide is to walk students of the university of Ghana on how Instructors use Sakai to organize course materials, post assignments, and communicate with students and a lot more.

What is the Sakai UG Login?
Sakai UG is the University of Ghana’s online learning platform. . It provides a central location for all course-related activities, making it easier for everyone to stay organized and connected. It’s used for various educational purposes, including:
- Instructors use Sakai to organize course materials, post assignments, and communicate with students.
- Students can interact with each other through discussion forums, group projects, and other collaborative tools.
- Sakai provides tools for creating and grading quizzes, tests, and other assessments.
- Instructors and students can communicate through announcements, email, and other messaging tools.
- Sakai allows instructors to share resources such as readings, videos, and presentations with students.
How do I log into Sakai UG Portal?
To log into the Sakai UG Portal, follow these steps:
- Go to the Sakai UG Portal website: Open a web browser and go to https://sakai.ug.edu.gh/portal/directtool/55840c0d-ea44-4827-84cb-5270d764ecf7/
- Enter your credentials: In the username field, enter your University of Ghana student ID number. In the password field, enter your Sakai password (usually the same as your student ID number).
- Click the “Login” button: This will take you to the Sakai UG Portal homepage.
- If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. You will need to provide your student ID number and answer a security question.
How to submit an assignment on the UG Sakai platform
Step 1:Go to the Sakai UG Portal and enter your credentials.
Step 2: Find the specific course where the assignment is located.
Step 3:Look for the assignment within the course materials. It might be listed under “Assignments,” “Resources,” or a similar section.
Step 4:This will open the assignment details, including instructions and any attachments provided by the instructor.
Step 5: Complete the assignment according to the instructions.
Step 6: Save your work in an appropriate file format (e.g., Word document, PDF, etc.).
Step 7: Look for a designated area within the assignment page to upload your file. It might be labeled “Attach File,” “Upload,” or something similar.
Step 8: Click the “Browse” or “Choose File” button to select the file from your computer.
Step 9 :You might have the option to include a brief comment or note along with your submission.
Step 10: Click the “Submit” button to finalize your submission.
Step 11: After submitting, you should see a confirmation message or screen indicating that your assignment has been successfully submitted.
How to do and submit a quiz on the University of Ghana Sakai portal
1. Access the Quiz:
- Go to the Sakai UG Portal and enter your credentials.
- Find the specific course where the quiz is located.
- Look for the quiz within the course materials. It might be listed under “Assignments,” “Tests & Quizzes,” or a similar section.
2. Open the Quiz:
- This will open the quiz instructions and any relevant information.
3. Start the Quiz:
- Click “Begin Assessment” or a similar button: This will initiate the quiz.
4. Answer the Questions:
- Carefully read each question and any accompanying instructions.
- Choose the correct answer(s) for each question based on the question type (multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, etc.).
- Use the navigation buttons (e.g., “Previous,” “Next”) to move between questions.
5. Submit the Quiz:
- Click “Submit for Grading” or a similar button: This will finalize your submission.
- You might be asked to confirm that you want to submit the quiz.
How to check Turnitin on Sakai UG Login?
To check your Turnitin report on the University of Ghana Sakai portal, follow these steps:
- Go to the Sakai UG Portal and enter your credentials.
- Find the specific course where you submitted the assignment.
- Look for the assignment with the Turnitin check.
- View Turnitin Report:
- Next to the assignment title, you should see a colored flag icon. This icon indicates the similarity index (the percentage of your work that matches other sources).
- Clicking the flag icon will open the Turnitin Originality Report in a new browser window.
Understanding the Turnitin Report:
- Similarity Index: This percentage shows how much of your work matches other sources in the Turnitin database.
- Matched Sources: The report will list the sources that match your work, such as websites, books, or other student papers.
- Color-Coded Text: The text in your paper will be color-coded to highlight the sections that match other sources.
FAQs About Sakai UG login
How do I join a class on Sakai?
Steps for University Of Ghana students or participants signing-up for meetings on UG Sakai:
- Go to Sign-up.
- Click on a meeting title. Note: If a Meeting Status message shows that the meeting is not yet open to sign-up, note the beginning sign-up time shown.
- Click the button labeled Sign up beside the time slot you want. Note: If a lock icon appears in Meeting Details next to a time slot, your instructor has removed that time slot from further sign-ups.
- Add a comment. (Optional), If your instructor has allowed, you will see a comment field where you can type a message that will only be visible to the instructor.
- Click Finish.
- View your status. Once you have signed up, you will see Signed up in the Your Status column for this meeting.
- Join Wait List. (Optional), If the meeting is full and your instructor has given the Wait List option, you will be able to add your name to the Wait List by clicking Join Wait List. If space becomes available, you will be added to the list of attendees, and notified by email.
I can’t login into Sakai? what should I do?
There could be a few reasons why you can’t log in to Sakai UG:
- Double-check your username and password: Ensure you’re entering your University of Ghana student ID number correctly, and that your password is accurate.
- Reset Your Password: If you’ve forgotten your password, use the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page to reset it. You’ll typically need your student ID number and answer a security question.
- Sakai Outage: There might be temporary technical problems with the Sakai server itself.
- Network Connectivity: Check your internet connection. A weak or unstable connection can prevent you from accessing online platforms.
- Browser Issues: Try using a different web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge) to see if that resolves the issue. Clear your browser cache and cookies as well.
- Account Disabled: Your account might have been temporarily disabled for security reasons or other administrative actions.
- Enrollment Issues: If you haven’t properly registered for courses, you might not have access to Sakai for those courses.
How To Fix Sakai UG Login Issues
- Check Your Credentials: Carefully review your username and password.
- Reset Your Password: If necessary, reset your password through the “Forgot your password?” link.
- Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
- Try a Different Browser: Use a different web browser to see if it resolves the issue.
- Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
- Contact IT Support: If the issue persists, contact the University of Ghana Computing Systems (UGCS) Help Desk for assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue and provide further guidance.
University of Ghana Computing Systems Contact details
Email us; frontdesk@ug.edu.gh.
Help Desk. +233-(0)302-213820. +233-(0)302-213850. 3000 (IP Phone).
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